Monday, June 20, 2011

La Casa de los Azulejos y Palacio Postal

Spent a day visiting La Casa de los Azulejos (The House of Tiles) and the Palacio Postal as well as roaming the Alameda Central which is nearby. All of this is located in the Historic Center.

The House of Tiles exterior is literally covered in tiles hence the name. It was a palace of a Count back in
the Colonial Period. Later, it became the place for the famous "Jockey Club of Mexico." Now, it is owned
by a popular Mexican chain, Sanborns, and has different areas for dining and various counters to buy things
such as cakes, cookies and breads; cameras; watches; touristy stuff.

This is the outside of it. I didn't take this photo. I'm silly and didn't take a shot of the outside but
wanted everyone to see what it looked like.
(When I first got here I have to admit that I was apprehensive about taking my camera out and shooting things but I'm starting to get over that. I'm weird.)

There is a cool mural by Jose Clemente Orozco titled, "Omnisciencia"

            Here's a shot from the second floor looking down in one of the dining areas of the first floor

Another dining area

I promised Olivia if she was well behaved she could have some cake


A close up of the tiles

Very close by is the Palacio Postal (Postal Palace) also kown as Quinta Post Office. There were a lot of guards standing by with guns. There are a lot of guards in general in this area, most carrying guns. We're talking semi-automatic weapons. It's kind of intimidating. I guess it should make me feel secure but it just scares me more then anything.

Here are the stairs inside
Olivia having fun

A downward view of the stairs

Afterwards, we headed over to Alameda Central which is a park right next to the Palacio de Bellas Artes.
I took this shot standing in the park looking at the Palacio de Bellas Artes and the Torre Latinoamericana in the background.

There were lots of vendors in the park selling all kinds of stuff. Ariana was with us and she ended up buying some coconut and coconut juice(delicioso) and some earrings. Olivia had to go to the bathroom three times while we were on this jaunt! Three times! All while we were in the park. A span of thirty minutes. It can be difficult to find a bathroom in Mexico City w/o being a paying customer of the place. We were very fortunate that everywhere we asked they let us used it. I guess since she was a little girl they took pity. She was damn lucky. By the time we got back to the hotel she was pooped. (We were still staying in the hotel at this point.) A few meltdowns here and there but we managed.

It has been a bit difficult taking Olivia to places. She has had a lot of screaming and crying meltdowns on a daily basis. I'm sure part of it is being somewhere different but I'm thinking the majority of it is her being three. The terrible two's has nothing on the treacherous three's. We went to a museum yesterday, Museo de Arte Moderno, and never again we will take her to a museum. At least any time soon. We didn't get to see everything (It was free b/c it was Sunday. There are quite a few places you can go to on certain days, especially Sundays, for free.) Plan on going back to it b/c there was a lot of cool stuff there.
Trying to maintain some saneness but sometimes it can be damn difficult.

Next I'll talk about hotel life and our new apartment

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