Sunday, September 4, 2011

A Trip to Metepec

The trip to Metepec was supposed to be super fun and it was my first night away from the apartment and Justin and Olivia. I was with Ariana, of course. Our friend, David, came by and picked us up in his car. No metro, no bus...yay! But, the whole day I was feeling funky. I got up, worked out, made these plans to go and ate breakfast. Then my stomach started to feel yucky. Yeah, that kind of funky. I just thought it was because I was excited about leaving and nerves so I took some Alka Setzer and disregarded. Umm, things were still in an unsatisfying state so, more Alka Setzer. David showed up around 4pm and I was still feeling bad, but like my stubborn self, I was determined to leave because the thought of staying in the apartment again made me feel even more ill. So, we left.

David's friend had a coffee shop that was opening up and so we were going there for the grand opening. We stopped by one of his friends house to follow them to the coffee place. By the time we got to his friends house, I was feeling absolutely horrible. I was officially sick and was trying to figure out how the hell I was going to survive the rest of the day. We drove to the center of the town and found a place to park. I really tried to continue on but at this point there was just no way. I couldn't even leave the car. I started crying because I felt like crap and I was embarrassed. Ariana knew I was in bad shape. We decided to just find a hotel I could chill in. We found one nearby and it was expensive but at this point I was dying. Ariana was awesome for getting that squared away and David was awesome for driving and being sympathetic. So, for the remainder of the evening and night I was shacked up in the hotel. Ariana and David went to the coffee opening and had a great time. At this point, I was thankful for a bed and a toilet.

The next day, I felt a lot better. I was a little dehydrated and weak feeling but was able to walk around and finally enjoy my surroundings. I'm not really sure what caused all of that but in reality, perhaps it was bound to happen eventually. I just hope and pray that I don't get that way again.

Some of the few shots I took while in this lovely little town. It's a nice town, close to Toluca, very peaceful feeling.

One of the churhes located in the downtown square.

It was situated on a hill. So, we climbed the stairs.

I figured there would be a cool view. I was right. A shot of overlooking the town.

Another photo of the church.

Back down the stairs. There is another church nearby.

David met up with us. We were all hungry, though I was frankly terrified to eat anything. Still, we walked around looking for a place to eat. We passed a bakery with some deliscious smelling breads. I got some bread and pan dulce. Can't go wrong with that. I snagged a shot of the baker. It was super hot in there.

They ended up finding a restaurant. I just ate some of my bread and water. Afterwards, we walked around some more and they got some ice cream. I tasted some of it and it was really good. Here's a photo I sneaked of David and Ariana eating their ice cream and in deep discussion.

Another nice looking church.

Ariana and I were going to go to the ruins in Malinalco, which is a small town about two hours south of here. But after being sick the day before, I didn't feel like I had the energy to go but I wasn't ready to go home yet either. So, David offer to drive us around. Yay!

This was part of someone's house.

Ended up going to a small town called Zinacantepec. There was a nice church and monastery there. I took some photos but I feel like they weren't very good so I'm not posting them.

Back to Metepec area, we walked around a square with another church. It was late afternoon by this point and I was ready to go back home. So, Ariana and I got on a bus and headed back to the city. Despite getting sick, I'm glad I went. One of these days Ariana and I will eventually go to Malinalco.

One last church.

Next blog: Our trip to Pachuca

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