"No More Good Times", Polaroid Transfer
shot in Tomales Bay,CA 2007
Hello everyone!
Starting this blog to have a place to post random thoughts and ideas and to converse with other artists or people interested in art. I've been having to stay at home a lot to raise my 1 1/2 year old daughter so I don't get to socialize as much as I want to. I figured by creating this I can at least stay up to date in cyber world.
After some recent rejections into a couple of shows, ah that old familiar feeling rejection how I missed you - not really, I've decided that I'm not doing juried shows for a good while. I really need to focus on creating a strong body of work. I will be concentrating on my Polaroid work. I have been collecting various Polaroids I've taken for the last three years. I'm going to sort through those and figure out which ones are usable. I'm also going to be taking new shots of my upcoming travels.
This summer I am traveling to Chicago to see PJ Harvey in concert and also to Mexico in the Yucatan area. I believe this will help with some inspiration I've been lacking and give a fresh perspective I've needed. Doing the same ol' thing and seeing the same ol' stuff tends to hinder my creativity. I've been trying to embrace the monotanity in my life but it really hasn't been working out. Big surprise there.
Anyway, I hope this will serve as a good outlet. I'm going to try to post at least once a week. This month is going to be crazy busy. In addition to my traveling, I am also moving into a new house in Norman. At least Mexico isn't until July, after Chicago and moving, so there will be some breathing room.